Inner peace: a mind-body experience

It's not enough to affirm yourself to inner peace. You have to experience it in the physiology. The deep restfulness experienced during TM relaxes the body and allows it to release stress and built-up fatigue. When your nervous system is less tense, you can react more calmly to problems that arise.

Auðvlet að öðlast innri frið

Innri friður eykst á áreynsluslausan hátt með því að bæta Innhverfri íhugun inn í daglegt líf. Það er eðlileg tilhneiging hugans að fara þangað sem meiri hamingju er að finna. Við iðkun Innhverfrar íhugunar gerist það eðlilega og sjálfkrafa. 

Transcendental Meditation in Action

Ellen DeGeneres: "I open my eyes and I'm sad that it's 20 minutes later" (2 mins)

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Dr Elizabeth Young, London GP:

"After practising TM, I feel refreshed and ready to tackle life's problems … I have seen literally thousands of people gain benefit from Transcendental Meditation and I recommend it without hesitation."

Meena, aged 11

"I would say TM makes me very happy. I feel happy inside when I meditate and I feel happy when I am done meditating."